Surnames you will find in these pages
Allexander Anderson Arnott Atterbury Barata Bannon Berg Bloxham Brerton Bryce Carter Chapman Christie Chruma Clark Coulter Covyeau Cox Dezall Diaper Dusterhoft Edwards Fachnie Feaster Fitzgerald Gagliano Goldsmith Gulley Hawkins Hicks Hickman Hunnicutt Jackson Jacobson Johnston Jones Kaercher Kenny Kidd Kirby Krebsbach Lilard MacGregor Madison Mayo McArthur McDonald McLean McMurry Mcquarry Mendelke Newman Ottinger Paradise Pegg Peplow Prather Rasmussen Richardson Ross Schooler Shaw Shipley Slater Smith Snell Spiller Squires Stedhan Stoner Switzer Tattoo Taylor Thorpe Trost Tuskind VanOrsdale Waters Walder Wallace Webster Weeks Wenlund Woelfel Woodward Yost
Not all names go to links yet please be patient with the webguy
This page was last updated: August 4, 2019
Please look here for your Surname and hopefully your First name.
To My Dad
John "Jack" E. Taylor
To my Mom
Margaret L. Dazell Taylor
Apologies from the web guy I have been struck with "life" lately but am still thinking of all of you, have new pics etc to add soon.
"Consequitur quodcunque petit"
He obtains whatever he seeks
The William Dazell Clan
"I Dare"
These pages are dedicated to:
The "Taylor's"
of Montana, Missouri, Virginia, Kentucky, all points east & west,
The "William Dazell" Clan
of Belfast, Nova Scotia, Quebec, North Dakota, and Montana
Very Special mention to
Pierre Taylor for the Taylor side and
Florence L (Dazell) Mendelke, and my dear grandma Clara Dazell for the Dazell side